Thursday, November 20, 2008

What's in a name?

I've been thinking about renaming my blog...the black hearse part was appropriate, as I started this blog soon after my mother's death...but I am healing, and black hearses, while still poignant, are no longer a mainstay in my brain.

SO. I really liked "rants in my pants"...but so did someone else. Other names I'm throwing around are:

DiaMaria...a favorite childhood nickname...but I can't imagine saying out loud, oh yeah, check out my blog at diamaria. LOL.

Freudianslip...haven't checked this one...

Needle Knows...

Another Chants...

Pun and games...

This may take a while. As you can see, I do love double entendres.
It has been a virtual wild kingdom around here. I am fleeing the animal womb of my house to school today. Can't wait.


Leslie said...

Maria, I like "Needle Knows" it has a nice ring to it

Heather said...

I also vote for Needle Knows. Love it.

Zan said...

I think all your title ideas are very clever, but I must admit that Needle Knows is my favorite!

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

LOL I love DiaMaria! So clever! So many meanings!

Lee Purdum Lehman said...

Knot Attired Bear

Addie said...

I love the new name, Maria! Who doesn't love a verbal smoothie from time to time?

Zan said...

Maria, I love the new name - it's perfect!!

Lee Purdum Lehman said...

WORD!!!! Wassup?

Haha! I like the new name. It lifts me!!

Love you!!

KF-in-Georgia said...

Maria, check the link to your blog on the SEGA Hound Blog page; it's got an extra "http" at the end of the link that causes it to misfire.

Since you've decided not to use Needle Knows, I should steal that title for my blog. That title would fit for the dogs and for my knitting and crocheting. ;)