Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cheap Thrills

I love a cheap thrill, yes, it's true. But they're hard to come by....some are just cheap without the thrill. So recently, after skulking around, I saw that this lip balm has just made it to the US. Apparently, women stocked up on this stuff overseas. It is called Labello, or somethin' like that. Big time raves. So the marketing campaign worked and I found some at Walgreens.

I think the hunt is half the fun...I got the last one, which made it even better....but, hmmmm....after product testing, I'm not so sure what the big deal is. Yes, it's nice....but not ga-ga rush to the Walgreens. I'm a Blistex girl, blue tube...and will remain one. The Nivea is made in that did have some label snob appeal...all of this back and forth for under $3.00.

Don't starts on Monday for me and on Tuesday for the kids....hopefully I'll have some better fodder once the routine gets back to normal. Do you have a cheap thrill?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Home Decor

Did you ever see that show where some women pinned leashed live roaches and beetles to their lapels? They even had glued jewels on some of the bugs. EW! EW! EW! It's one of those things I wished I had never seen b/c it sticks in my head to haunt me now and again...anyway, I enjoy this type of live scenery MUCH BETTER.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cheap Therapy

This was my first time back to the kennel after the Garth incident. It was good to have some breathing room...but that allowed Nasty Nancy and Resentful Rita, two of my many personalities, to have more power than necessary. LOL.

I have been frustrated by the level of care required of me, and perhaps critiqued by, those boys who had their nosie's operated on recently. I have also been frustrated with the lack of blogging going on for the dogs at the kennel. But thought it was best not to post for more blogging in this mood. Curt Carla sometimes wants to take over my keyboard. So, I went and blogged myself, and them doggies at the kennel restored me more toward center.

It's hard to keep all that anger, sadness, bitterness inside, while trying to do therapy on yourself and being appropriate in public. Unfortunately, I called someone a "twot" while driving, and of course Ava was instantly drawn to the word. Twot...twot....twot....twot. Oh now I'm going to post a picture of my bodies response to this stress. But it's up to you if you want to see it.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bloody Boogers on my keyboard....

Really. This is a new low.

Usually, after getting my daughter off to school, I come back to check my email, etc. This morning, I open the ol' laptop to find crusts sprinkled across the touchpad. Gives a whole new meaning to "touchpad", eh? And what's worse, I found myself mentally noting the quality of the clotting factor, making it easy to air whoosh my keyboard clean.

If you're still reading, let me explain, no really, I want to. Yesterday, my son had a tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy and nasal reconstruction. Thus, the bloody boogers. We had a whole day at the and the kids. My daughter was wonderful, even though this was not her idea of a field trip. We were gone the WHOLE day.

The dogs, pictured here on their ORVIS beds...did ok....June did go "shopping" in the pantry and decided to shred some napkins while she awaited our return. I think she was trying to make a tree topper of some sort.

Today dawns anew. Daughter went to school....bloody boogers is still asleep...and nasal lavage awaits me. Oh, BTW....I finished my semester at school, and am exempted from finals as I finished with a 98% in both classes. Rock on!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh, PP tree, oh PP tree....

Really, this should have been a no brainer...after all, someone christened the tree last year. So, after hauling up the tree from the basement with sheer brute strength (I am solo this week...hub is away on business) and setting it up, at the demands of my small Christmas slave driver, OH, I mean, eh hm, ELF. We set out for the mall to pick up a new Christmas tree skirt, as the old one got pitched after the christening.

We picked up a great one at Macy's and then went to RuSans for sushi...we made bets as to wh
ether or not history would repeat itself. It did.
So, with that sheer brute strength, I picked up the tree and put it on a table....and wrapped our new skirt around it. "Someone" tried to blame it on June........
However, June was crated.
Looks like some coal might be in "someone's" stocking this year.................

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The best present this morning....and she IS good at math!

My "bed lizzy".

Back in good graces.