Thursday, November 6, 2008

Canoe K'notes--op-ed

Dear Readers,

I must concur with one astute commentor in regards to my sister's practice, "Plastics for Plastics". The commentor wondered if "she stayed at the Holiday Inn Express"...let me be blunt. I think she should change her name to Dr. Mengele.

Now, it's true that I have been known to be a cobbler in my spare time. However, I have channeled this urge into healthy choices, as my picture shows. While I mind my manners and curb my basic desires to eat off the table and lick dirty plates in the dishwasher, Dr. June runs around this house, nabbing whatever she can find. Did you know after Barbie made her statement, she got trashed??????

Needless to say, I believe that the ONLY true doctor in Dr. June's practice is the one that spins.

Now you know the rest of the story.


Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

Gosh it's really been true confessions on greyhound blogs lately! LOL

I have to admit though, I have no clue what the ""she stayed at the Holiday Inn Express"..." means????

Addie said...

Dear Canoe,

First of all, nice photo. It's nice to see SOMEONE chewing on the right thing, and I commend you.

I had no idea that Dr. June's surgical methods and personal habits were so crude; it must be quite a burden for you to know your own sister has committed plasticide. Just be glad you're not a Barbie!

Thanks for setting the record straight!


Heather said...

Ah Canoe, it's tough to be a boy and suddenly realize that girls rule the world - and especially the house. Our cuteness allows us to get away with everything.
:) Seka & Roxy