Sunday, September 7, 2008


Yep, they follow me everywhere....the major breakthrough is that they didn't all join me in the bathroom like usual. Must've known I was faking it!
When I was a teenager, this song was MAJOR to me...sweet pictures of my beloved....who knew that they were GREYHOUNDS?????

It can be really annoying...but sometimes it reminds me to "set fer a spell".
PS. Yes, yes...I am "rewarding" the bad behavior and therefore encouraging it in this video. Geez.


Heather said...

sometimes i think they really aren't all that interested in what you are actually doing, they just don't want to go that far if something interesting actually occurs!

J Skelton said...

Very cute! Mine follow near breakfast, walk, and/or dinner time.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Maria, loved the video!! It could've been made at my house too. My doggies are attached at my hip and often my feet are propped up with them beneath. They know their source for all good things!! (I encourage also. Bad Mom!!) ......Godmutha Hugs to You and Yours!

Zan said...

You know, I have to admit that I kind of like it when mine follow me...except when the get in the way and I trip over them;-)!! As Speedy got older, he quit following so much. He'd wait to be sure I was staying before he came along.