Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh, PP tree, oh PP tree....

Really, this should have been a no brainer...after all, someone christened the tree last year. So, after hauling up the tree from the basement with sheer brute strength (I am solo this week...hub is away on business) and setting it up, at the demands of my small Christmas slave driver, OH, I mean, eh hm, ELF. We set out for the mall to pick up a new Christmas tree skirt, as the old one got pitched after the christening.

We picked up a great one at Macy's and then went to RuSans for sushi...we made bets as to wh
ether or not history would repeat itself. It did.
So, with that sheer brute strength, I picked up the tree and put it on a table....and wrapped our new skirt around it. "Someone" tried to blame it on June........
However, June was crated.
Looks like some coal might be in "someone's" stocking this year.................


Lee Purdum Lehman said...

"... how tinkley are thy branches!" Pretty tree, by the way!

When we first got Shadow, we had some gifts under our tree (postal tips) and one of them was a pound of chocolates. We didn't smell 'em, but he did. He ate the whole thing when we were out.

I congratulate your quick thinking! Hugs!!

Stephen said...

I surely hope you subscribe to the "bend at the knees" mantra. Nothing ruins the holidays more than "Oh my F$@&%$@& BACK!".

HA! My v. word......

UNDIS!!! Maybe "someone" in your house needs some special UNDIS for the next time they attempt to mark a claim on your property!

Debbie (Emma's mom) said...

Ohhh, Canoe! ...What were you thinking this close to Christmas? You just got out of the 'dog house'.

Sorry, Marie, but your title did give me a chuckle...

Addie said...

Oh no, Maria! That was my biggest fear when we put up our trees, but so far, no christening. I officially declare that Canoe should have to wear the naughty hat for 20 minutes.


Poolie said...

And this is why we don't have a tree up in the house yet. Garth is a pee marking fool. I just know he's going to take one look at a tree sitting in the living room and say to himself, "Score!!! I don't even have to go outside anymore... awesome!".

Zan said...

We haven't put up our tree year for that very reason - I've seen Nick eying the tree (it's in a bucket of water in the carport now) picking out the perfect spot to squirt :-O!

Maria Peters said...

I am so glad that I am not alone! I'm really not po'ed with makes perfect sense, ya' know???? LOL.

Heather said...

maybe canoe needs a christmas belly band.