Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The best present this morning....and she IS good at math!

My "bed lizzy".

Back in good graces.


Lee Purdum Lehman said...

It's good to know that love prevails. It's even better to know that love exists.

Garth will heal. We all will, you know? I'm glad you're offering forgiveness. I don't know how many times I've told Alan that the dogs don't understand what he's saying to them. He'd expect them to change the oil in the car! Oy vey!!!!

I love you!! XOXO

Addie said...

That's a very sweet picture. You know how special it is when someone loves you very math!

Poolie said...

Ahhhh... it's good to see Canoe has inched his way back into your heart :-)

Heather said...

Maybe she means she loves mom and also math. Either way that is just too sweet.

Glad to see that the pups are on their best behavior. Oh - I think I have your SEGA linky fixed. Sorry about that.

Stephen said...

Hmmm....Maria, uh, how long has your family suffered elephantitis of the hands and fingers?? ;-)

Maria Peters said...

Stephen...only you! I cracked up! and my hands and fingers shattered. LOL. It all started on the dark day with that bag of salt and vinegar chips.............

Lee Purdum Lehman said...

Godmotha mumbling to herself ...."Ah, now Ava's let the cat out of the bag. And that swift-visual Stephen fellow has picked up on it. Man, am I glad I landed a man before this happened. Genetics may skip generations, but those little genes still wiggle around, even if they don't flare in some members. Now how can I get Ava to draw an expansive brain stem and golden halo's? Mutter, mutter, mutter..... I wonder if this has anything to do with Maria's predisposition to the long svelte limbs of the greyhound? Mutter, mutter...One nice thing, 5 fingers is still a healthy trait ....."

Van said...


How is June doing? Is she as sweet as she looks in the picture? I forgot how slender her snout is. She looks like an anteater.

Former foster dad,


Maria Peters said...


June is doing great! She does look like an ant eater. LOL....and a crayon eater, and a loaf of bread eater and a polly pocket eater....but it all comes out, which is good. Van, she is the sweetest girl...those eyes....
She has developed a pretty severe phobia of school buses and loud trucks and trembles on our walks and in our car....but I keep on taking her....she loves to be in the house and in her yard where she can romp with Canoe. All is well.

Maria Peters said...

BTW, doesn't it look like she's giving you the finger????

Van said...

She is giving me the finger. She thinks I still owe her money from a poker game. Tell her you can't have 5 aces in a hand, which is what she had. Cheater.

Stowe and Maria said...

Glad to know that he is back in good graces. He is just a hound after all. We wish him the best.

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

So this is where you've been hiding! Did I miss the big name change or what?! Geesh.
So now I'm caught up, poor Garth! But that good to hear he's been adopted. Bones/food can cause all sorts of nastiness, I won't forget the day Limo tried to rip poor Peanut's nose off, I lucked out not having to take her to the vet.
Cute drawing from your kid! I think we've all suffered from typos in our lives;-)