Friday, January 23, 2009

Waffles as prey

Mice are completely overrated.


Zan said...

Very cute!! Whose homework is acting as a place mat?

Maria Peters said...

Certainly not mine! It's that math that mixes up numbers and letters. It would be Victor's homework.

Addie said...

Your kitty had a more tempting breakfast than I did!

Maybe that's what Hoover's been up to...that would explain the fact that he smells like syrup! The only thing is, I can't remember the last time we had pancakes or waffles. Have you seen a stray red and white cow dog lurking about in your house?


Van said...

That cat's name is Putin.

Ha ha ha, Putin.

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

Those waffles look delicous! Too bad she didn't pounce on them and get syrup on her fur, wouldn't that have been fun? :-) jk

Heather said...

OMG - my Siamese LOVES syrup too! Crazy things