Friday, October 17, 2008

Alittla' dis, alitta' dat


Lee Purdum Lehman said...

Loved the video! Did they do dermabrasion or laser or what? Did you realize that your face can no longer bleed??? Heehee. I was so happy to see your honey smile! Ah, Love. They oughta bottle it!
BTW, you didn't need derma anything. You're beautiful. "What a (Wo-)Man!!"

Addie said...

Ay caramba! Those laser treatments do hurt like a son-of-a-biscuit, don't they? I found that the perimeter of my face doesn't hurt too bad, but once they start working close to my nose and mouth, every explitive I know comes to mind.

Looks like you had a "hot" day, that started with a hot face, and finished with a hot date!

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Cute video! OUCH, I cannot stand medical procedures!
