Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"lookin' at you lookin' at me"


Debbie (Emma's mom) said...

...Loved the video, Marie!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!!! Shadow is still on a leash with new exercises. He would so love to be able to play with Cheyenne like that again!!! What a great song for this olympic video!! Hugs, Godmotha

Patti said...

I was getting dizzy there for a minute! Too funny - does June ever catch him? You aren't afraid one will bite the other?

Umm, they are pretty good at coursing each other, I wonder how they'd like coursing the plastic bunny?

Maria Peters said...

Patti...it was getting alittle Nascar there at the end!

June is actually faster than Canoe! And yes, sometimes it can turn ugly...not often, but when it does, I give a loud HEY...and they stop.

With a foster,making it three...it's not a good thing, so I muzzle.

Heather said...

Maria - I love to see two greyhounds play like that. Seka doesn't have the playing gene. She has no interest in rough housing. Roxy doesn't know how to. I also must give you major props to the steady camera work!!

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

That's a huge backyard! What lucky dogs!

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

Oh, I meant to add, are ya afraid to get down there where all the action is? LOL
Peanut will flat run you over in a heartbeat and not know she even hit anything! :-o

Zan said...

They look like they are having a blast!! I'm with Patti - think they'd like to chase plastic?

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

What a fantastic backyard!!! I wish I had such a great yard :-). Cute video!


J Skelton said...

Someone needs to comment on the song. I loved Ratt! At least for 5 minutes in the 80's. I do still love this song.